Tuesday, January 27, 2009

V-Day Gift Guide: Chocolate!

Somebody you love like cocoa? A lot? How about giving them a hot mug on Valentine's? But not just any hot cocoa, no!

Go all the way! Give it to them with heart cut-out marshmallows!


If you want to be hardcore and DIY (do it yourself), cut out some hearts from regular marshmallows! :) Perhaps DIY is the way to go...seeing as it is only a single serving package. So take this as an idea!

Available at Fred Flare for $8.00.


Ilu said...

...yo quiero este regalo!!! se ve tan chulo!!!

Stella said...

Mandale el link a Josue a ver si coge el hint! :P

Anonymous said...

Do they sink faster? kidding..very cute idea. They should serve this on Vday at cafes.